1 / Information
Take a look at our FAQ and job description pages.
2 / Application
Fill out our summer staff application
3 / References
Send this reference form to your references.
If you are a new applicant, you need 3 references (references should have current or recent regular contact with you)
one from a teacher/employer​
one from a pastor/spiritual mentor
one of your choice
If you are a returning applicant, you need one reference from a current pastor/spiritual mentor.​
Family members, peers, or current Lake Beauty staff members may not be used as references.
You are responsible for sending the referral link to your reference(s), following up with them, and communicating with us regarding their status. Your application will not be considered complete until all forms are submitted.
4 / Interviews
We will call you to set up the interview(s). Please have available dates and times ready.
• If you are a new applicant, you will typically have two interviews.
• If you are a returning applicant, you will typically have one interview.
We will notify you of our decision within 1-2 weeks.
5 / Offer
If extended an offer of employment, review the contract and return it to us signed within 7 days.
If you have any questions about the summer staff hiring process, please email us at hiring@lbbc.com or
call 320-732-3218.