Leaders In Training (LIT) is an application-only program that develops spiritually-minded young leaders into fully dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ. LIT is a two-week program for campers designed to mentor, encourage, and develop Christian students into disciples of Christ and to serve as leaders in their homes, churches, schools, and communities.
Our goal is to develop campers in their faith, character, and heart to serve. LITs go through three types of workshops: Leadership skills, Spiritual Disciplines, and Biblical Interpretation taught by our Program Director, Ministry Staff, and the LIT Leaders. These are spiritual formation, leadership, and biblical foundation. It is designed to help campers better understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus and become a leader in the Church.
LITs go through various team-building exercises, service projects, Bible studies, worship, and shadowing Lake Beauty's summer staff. This program has become a popular capstone in a high school student’s life. Many of our summer staff positions are filled by former LITs.
Fill out the LIT application form.​ We will automatically send an email to your parents/guardians once you submit it for verification, so check in with them.
Email a reference form to both of your references and have them fill it out and submit it. One reference must be from a pastor or ministry leader at your church, and the other reference must be a church member who knows you well.
Once we have received your application and reference forms, we will follow up with you within two weeks to set up a phone interview. We will notify you of a decision within seven days of the interview.
If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, email program@lbbc.com or call 320-732-3218.
Please note that there are a limited number of spaces available for each LIT session. We cannot guarantee applicants the session of their choice.